Just down the road from the Salem Cemetary is another smaller cemetary. I’ve heard it refered too as The Old Egypt Cemetary or just as the Circle Cemetary. The day I visited it, I drove past the little road to it. I ventured to the end of the road where it is blocked off due to a bridge being out. After turning around, I saw a little road that went up a hill off the the left. I was surpised that the cemetary was no less than 25 yards from Salem Ridge Road, but unless you are looking for it. You would never find it. I believe this is the cemetary that is mentioned severed hand legend that is mentioned elsewhere.
Sorry for the crappy pictures, I was using my cellphone camera.
A lot of headstones have fallen over or been knocked over. These are kind of pretty becuse the grass is growing up around them. The grass is fairly well maintained.
For all the heastones that have fallen over, there are old sandstone bases. The first one is so old that it has mostly sunk into the ground. The others have had the stones broken off of their bases. There is large area with no stones. It makes if there are more graves that are unmarked.
was in the area and had heard a rumor that the Circle Cemetery had been gated off at Salem Ridge Road. Being as I was there, I decided to confirm this. I found that the Circle Cemetery was not gated off at that point.